Q Mastercard: You may request to close your account at any time. Please keep in mind that your Account must have a zero balance in order for it to be closed. This means that you need to ensure that all outstanding balances are paid including purchases on Delayed Delivery or other Long Term Interest Free terms. Once your account is closed, please cancel any automatic payments or direct debits, and remove your Q Mastercard from any subscriptions or memberships. Please contact us on 0800 119 100 to get your final settlement figure. This figure will include any unpaid interest calculated up to the last billing date.
Q Card: You may request to close your account at any time. Please keep in mind that your Account must have a zero balance in order for it to be closed. This means that you need to ensure that all outstanding balances are paid including purchases on Delayed Delivery or other Long Term Interest Free terms. Once your account is closed, please cancel any automatic payments or direct debits. Please contact us on 0800 117 000 to get your final settlement figure. This figure will include any unpaid interest calculated up to the last billing date.